Alaimo Group:
Solid Waste Management
Alaimo Group is a recognized leader in providing comprehensive solid waste management and design services. Our personnel have a detailed understanding of the technical, financial, environmental and regulatory issues surrounding solid waste management. We are experienced in all phases of solid waste management planning, from feasibility to development and implementation of systems ranging from small scale collection programs to advanced processing facilities.
Alaimo Group has assembled a group of solid waste specialists with expertise in a wide range of programs including source reduction, reuse, recycling, composting, resource recovery, and landfills. These specialists have provided regulatory assistance and asset management services in response to a changing regulatory environment. Regulatory changes, as well as changes to the supply and demand for solid waste disposal services, have challenged local government and regional authorities to remain competitive in the solid waste marketplace. Regulatory requirements, or in some cases economic issues, have influenced the development of financially viable programs. Frequently, we have been called upon to provide financial assessments as part of our traditional environmental permitting and design services.
Our ability to perform traditional environmental and civil engineering assignments, while at the same time “bench marking“ progress made against market competitors, has made us unique within the solid waste industry. An example of our asset management services is to calculate air space requirements due to alternative management approaches. Changes in solid waste management programs to increase waste diversion utilizing landfills as a bioreactor, or developing technology dependent processing systems all have measurable impacts to landfills and the previous disposal system.
Alaimo's experience in this area is particularly noteworthy because of the number of projects that have proceeded from inception to fruition in a stringent regulatory environment. Alaimo Group's full range of solid waste management capabilities can be categorized as follows:
Solid Waste Management Planning
Prepare solid waste management plans and development strategies; evaluate waste management alternatives; assess waste generation and composition; evaluate facility stating options; prepare public participation programs.
Project Development and Procurement
Provide technical and management services to determine project feasibility; establish the institutional structure; competitively procure and negotiate contracts with turnkey or full service contractors.
Independent Engineer
Serve as consulting engineer to determine the technical and financial feasibility of a project; oversee design, construction, testing and operation of a solid waste facility for third party.
Solid Waste Facility Design
Prepare survey and preliminary and final design of solid waste facilities including landfills, transfer, recycling, composting, and processing facilities. Provide design services to rehabilitate, retrofit, close, or remediate existing facilities.
Environmental Permitting and Evaluation
Conduct environmental impact assessments; evaluate facility performance and permit compliance.
Construction Services
Construction monitoring, field inspection, and related services for solid waste projects which have been publicly bid or procured through negotiation.
Operational Services
Provide start-up assistance, contract operation performance review, O & M Manual preparation; technical operating assistance for public operation.